Impact Consulting

Donor-Funded Projects

For over the last 25 years Impact Consulting has provided services to Canadian firms seeking to participate in important international projects, funded by International Financial Institutions such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development and the Asian Development Bank, as well  such bilateral organizations as CIDA, and its national counterparts around the World.

Senior Impact Consulting staff have participated as Canadian delegates on several high level mission to the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank, and the IDB.  Through the course of these interactions, Impact Consulting has gained the kind of insights and contacts which can make a decisive difference, reinforcing the potential for success.
 We look forward to hearing from you at the address appearing below. 

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Impact Consulting , 1826 Robertson Road, Suite 407, Nepean, ON, K2H 1B9, CANADA
Phone: 613-727-0536 email: murchison at (substitute @ for “:at”)